One way or
another, at times I found out that life feels so mundane. Waking up, prayers,
making breakfast, working (in my case, catching up with work as I am having
days off now), go home, house keeping and finally taking some rest and so on.
There is a temptation to think that because nothing special going on, then it
is somehow a ‘not-so-important’ day.
Some people
might complain how boring their days have become. No passion, just sweet and ‘regular’
repetition of things. May be you work as a teacher, or a cashier, or behind
your desk with matriculation and projects, you find yourself just doing it. Yeah.
Life has settled down now, and I am kind floating on it, just do what I need to
do so as not to sinking. Really? Is there any meaning we can find in even so
plain and so-so days? Or should we find that ‘kairos’ moment and each time
moved toward perfection?
First let
us think of how passionate God is when taking care of us. I mean everything He
arranged for the goodness of all. Everything is in order and safety. Thank God
for that. And shall we ask ourselves, how our hearts could grow cold
when beauty and glory is embedded in everything. Just be there, correct. But be
there with all of your heart. Tend your obedience without self-love but with
ardent spirit in knowing
that our holiness is being worked out in small things. It’s not all about our
feelings, even though feeling is one of the parts, it is beyond our feeling. We never know that
actually we entertain angels that day, when we smile and greeting people with
light heart. We can become like Christ for anyone who are sent to us, again
while we might not realize it.
Big or
small, let us accept our obedience with the sense of God is so very interested
about us. He is not called ‘The Lover of Mankind’ for no reason. He really
loves us. How could we not be moved with such wonderful news? We might not ‘acrobatic’
enough to get excited all the time about things. Sometimes, we just feel OK or ‘just
fine’. But remember, the workshop of our holiness moves beyond our feeling.
These little and mundane things constitute our
path to holiness. Let us take the chance to grab any moment to raise our
thoughts to God and to exalt Him. Even in waking up from sleep, in preparing
meals, in greeting and interacting with people, in all things let us do them to
glorify God. Don’t we realize, however small our part might be, we have special
and unique role to make the world a better place, to be compelling invitations,
to be the scent of the Kingdom of God among the people who lives around us?
Think about it today.
Nice meditation, Son. Hope you are enjoying your time off.