Reflection on Psychology Class with Mrs. Yvette (2)

Now I am learning about behaviour intervention in the classrom, and for this section I will focus on Cognitive interventions, which emphasize on students understanding of rules and instructions. There are three kinds of infractions suggested by Eggen and Kauchack in their book.
1. Verbal-non verbal congruence, means that effectively express the instruction or expectations not only by using words but also supported with approriate body language. The important acts may including proximity, eye contact, body orientation, facial expression, gestures, and vocal variations.
2. I Message, characterized by:
- promote students understanding by using 'I' perspective
-non accusatory, instead support good relationship
-address the sudents behaviour and not their character or personality weakness.
3. Logical consequences,
-conceptually related to the students actions so that the students may see the link between the misbehaviours and consequeces. They learn cause and effect.

When and how to use punishments properly?
-use it as infrequently as possible
-immediately and directly to the behaviour
-to the severe case
-explain and model it to the students

1 comment:

  1. Kak yudi... Ndak tau nih mau kasi comment apa...
    Ni blog ny isi nya ttg TC semua kan??
    Btw, utk apa kak yudi bikin blog ni??? Ndak susah ha buat ny???
    Nde... Sry ya kak yudi... Comment ny gak ttg isi blog ny kak yudi....
    Ntar bsk ni la saya baca blog ny ya. Klo saya ngerti, baru saya kasi comment... Hehehehehe....

    Sry ya...


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