Being content

How many more resources do we need to spend to quench our desires on temporary things? I remember how I really want certain book title sometime ago. However, by now when i have already gotten it, it is not that desirable anymore. This small experience that I had, struck me with the thoughts of what we actually need and what we merely want. Behind this phenomenon, there are many possible reasons, but in my personal observation the games of discontentment take place. This kind of circle makes us feel less and want more. After getting one thing, we then start to be plagued with another wish and etc. But the danger of this mentality is that we would never feel enough. We toil and sweat but for the sake of accumulating things which ‘the moth will eat.’
What about the alternative disposition; that essentially in the hand of Good Shepherd we shall not want? We shall not be anxious about what we will eat and wear, because we shift our attention from seeking world attention and any of those gratifications toward the stewardship of Bountiful Lord. We know that we are just servants of Him who exalts one and humbles the other. It is His infinite wisdom that leads us by hand, and says, “Be still, and know that I am The Lord”.
This new dispositions will make a tremendous difference. We won’t be swallowed by the stream of materialism and worldliness. Why? Because then we know that it is The Lord who sends and sets everything for the goodness of those who love Him.

In other word, all things become blessing for His beloved ones. Be it a bright sky, or the dark night. Be it a mocking and oppressions, laughter or weeping, everything. Those blessings are sent as the rough edges stone to sharpen our soul. Through each moment of our life both in abundance and scarcity He molds and shapes us into His likeness. Just like radio transmitter and receiver system, we need to tune to the right frequency to get this: humility. Acknowledging the unspeakable goodness and mercy of God in hard times has been trait of his saints through ages. They are content with whatever the Lord sends. Sometimes it means the joy of being in the company of loving fellows. Yet sometimes it means being slandered and looked down by the world. Yet, they are blessings! They are sent by God to save and protect us from self-delusion and vanity. They are sent in such away so wisely, so timely, so beautifully that we might come closer to Him and be like Him. Every unjust and unexpected occurrence, encounters and befalling are used by God to sanctify us. Now, rejoice in the Lord always. How His goodness is beyond our understanding, beyond our subjective feeling about what has become of us, beyond what we like or we want. Glory to God for all things.    

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