3rd day- teaching persons

"What are you going to teach?" One day my lecturer asked us. And we answered that with simple answer, "Math" and some of us, "Physics". "Are you sure?" the discussion continued, and she seemed not very agree and satisfied with our answers. "As a teacher, you are not teaching Math or Physics, that's the course you deliver to them: You are teaching the students about Math or Physics."

I considered about that for awhile and ah... yes, I talked in my heart. A teacher should treat them as persons, whole persons and then as the students who learn i.e. learners. And that's what I reflect on today.

May be theoretically, everything can be so smooth and 'in our control' by speculate one or two strategies to teach and that's it, it's done! But in reality as a teacher I must face many 'uncertainties'. For example, what would be happened in the classroom after this all preparations, what if the students getting very frustrated and even bored, what if one of the students unexpectedly misbehave that day, and many what ifs facing a day of a teacher who teaches tens of students with their own unique personality, feeling and thoughts.

Today I did my first two lesson plans about the percentages, Mathematics for grade 7. I had prepared the lessons with all the materials, PowerPoint and etc and actually I was so enthusiast to do my teaching. But unfortunately, the projector didn't work! And there it was, I should automatically switched on the plan B. I was nevertheles being a little bit panic about this, yet praise the Lord it's done.

And as I stated before, students are persons.... When they come into my classroom some of them are ready and yet some are needful and so distracted. Care and patience has to be with the firmness to help them to learn. And as a new teacher I am struggling between focusing on what I can help them to learn and in the same time dealing with them as persons who learn! That what I experienced today: a teacher who stands in the front inevitably have to make many and 'continuous' decisions every single second to keep the classroom doing. I still need a lot of practice to make a right decision and to be an effective teacher who really helps students learn.

About the uncertainties, that's reminds me always that I could not depend on my own strength or my own desires to face even a single day of my life. There are too many possibilities which can happens in a single moment to me. And I am just amazed how The Lord Who lovest mankind in His Mighty and Strong Love sustains and strengthens us in this life. I trust in Him, and I plea to Him to strengthen my feet to follow Him!

"Without God, we cannot do anything. Excessive sorrow, and despair, are of the tempter. Always say, “May Thy will be done.” Have joy and sorrow as guests, but not despair. No matter how much sorrow the evil one brings, say, “I have my Christ. He was crucified for me and loves me.” -- form Romanos' blog by Presbytera Candace, quoted from the saying Elder Ierónymos of Ǽgina.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Yudhie, the lesson your mentor gave you, "you are teaching persons" is a very important truth and, in fact, it is the basic truth of the Gospel.

    When we witness, we never focus on the message directly. That is a given, it is always there, in our hearts for remembrance, on our lips for testimony. Instead we focus on the person as a human being for whom Christ died and whom He loves, never as a commodity, never as a target, never as a job.

    When we approach a brother or sister human being in this way, we become the message, even more than we are the messenger. Then Christ, who lives in us, not we ourselves, does the teaching, the work or whatever it is that we are relating to the other person for. This is the beauty of Christ, the living Lord and Word of God, who says, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age."

    This is applicable to teaching in a school, of course, just as your mentor has shown you.

    And you, brother, are ready and willing to follow Jesus in everything, in teaching, in helping, in life. I thank God for you every day, Yudhie.

    Thanks for this post!


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