How to do...

Experience has taught me this very poignant thing, especially on how our life works. I learn this thing these two days and I am so humbled that this lesson has been granted in the joyous feast of the nativity of Most Holy Theotokos, Mary the Mother of Lord Jesus Christ. It is trully meet to honor her and set her life as the prototype of how we should live.
She lived her life in such blessed disposition, humility and obedience.
As I wrote above, experiences taught me that there's no other way to living life so peacefully and purely but in living out of obedience, instead of living out of self-will and egoism. When I began to do whatever I want--and which is pleasing my senses, quite soon I will ram into void and the abyss of wants. Desires beget desires but obedience begets love and holiness. 

As young person she was, when the angel of Most High came to announce such important tiding, she accepted it with all her heart and her being. Trully, O blessed Theotokos Thee do we magnify!
The Lord Himself said, "He who loves me does my commandments". That is, the path of obedience. To freely give up our distracted will to be transformed into conformity of The Lord's will is our errands from time to time. The path of repentance is the eradication of selfish way of life into life which is enlightened in Him.
How is that in practice? It is to put our egocentric will utterly subdued. That automatically means to put it under authority. First and foremost under the Holy Commendments of Christ in Holy Gospel, under our spiritual father and under whom God has given authority over us.

Just as Holy Theotokos put herself under the will of God and freely gave her being in utter obedience to the Most High, so that Christ Himself might dwell within her womb, let us in everything not do anything for the satisfaction of senses but for the sake of our Love in obedience to Him. Because worldly desires always leave us wanting and miserable, but obedience to Him gives us peace and joy unspeakable.
Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

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