abide with the Lord

The Lord, once said to His disciples, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work" (John 3:14 NKJV). And we, as His followers, who are being loved by Him and who are called to love Him with all our hearts and minds and strengths. What is our food? That is what is our greatest desire and longing? Let us set our hearts to seek His Kingdom and its righteousness first. To ask, to seek and to knock to the Most Benevolent One to our souls. My soul becomes so moved when I stop for awhile and realizing how I have wandered during the day: Lord, have mercy. How distracted and weak I am. Forgive my negligence and laziness, O Lord! Teach me to be faithful even in the little things that You have trusted me, not according to my favor because my own thought is limited and deceptive. Rather, to do every little things which You have trusted me in your kindness to do in faithfulness and joy; and know that You and your holy servants are always there before me!

I rejoice to hear the words of Your holy servant that are very true and beneficial,
Concerning the constant abiding with God, St. Anthony teaches: "Let your soul abide with the Lord at all times, and let your body abide on earth as a statue. Always stand upright before the face of the Lord. Let the fear of God always be before your eyes; and in like manner, remembrance of death, repulsion of everything worldly. Die every day that you may live; for whoever fears God will live forever. Be constantly vigilant so not to fall into laziness and idleness. Abhor all that is worldly and distance yourself from it or else it will distance you from God. Abhor all that will bring ruin to your soul. Do not deviate from God for the sake of transient things. Do not accept the example of one weaker than yourself rather from the one who is more perfect. Before all else continually pour out prayer, give thanks to God for all that would befall you. If you would fulfill all that is commanded, you will receive the inheritance `What the eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart what God has prepared' " (1 Corinthians 2:9). ( St. Nikolai Velimirovic c.f. http://stnicholasredbank.com/feb15-22.htm#m7).
Glory to You, O God! Grant me Thy remembrance in my heart. Amen!


  1. Ameyn, Yudhie! Good post, prayer and quotation, very helpful and treu.

  2. Thanks, brother Romanos! God bless you! :)


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