The Source of the acts of mercy

Every person has his/her own unique blessing and personality. Even the struggle and the battle they have to face is very specific one, however he/she is not alone in those battle. How great is our God that He knows all things about us in our very being and nothing is hidden before Him.

For me, that specific struggle might be the giving heart. I realize how my financial struggle had given force to me to be concerned and unfortunately for myself. "Yes, it is OK to talk anything, but please don't talk about that matter", I spoke in my heart.

This time, it has been long enough that God has taught me a merciful heart, what is it and how is it and I come to know very poorly and little by little that I don't have any power from my own to do even a single act of mercy. This has to come from the True Source of mercy, God himself to grant me (us) the merciful heart even in a single or small one. However, since God has granted us the freedom in loving Him, it is very necessary to have our will to be trained and submitted freely unto Him.

And merciful God provides us each time and moment the opportunity for this. I see and taste it these weeks, when He miraculously gave (and in fact, everything that He allows me to be with me until now is miraculously given) me according to His will, answering my needs through his beloved servant very abundantly. And unexpectedly, some friends which I have never found asking help of me, they asked. At first, I am a little bit reluctant to act, because this is not mine but His and I fear to be unwise to use what he trusted me. But who am I, that if God want to help them and I resist Him to do it? However, realizing my unwise and naive thought I pray to Him, that may even this little act not done in my poor and corrupted will but according to His will. This is not of mine-- because what is mine? It is absolutely of Him, the source of everything good. Listen this O my weak soul!

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!


  1. Always consider that the Lord is not training you to be a good banker and investment specialist, but to use what resources He has given you to bring glory and honor to Him. When He corrects the poor steward for not investing his talents with the bankers and receiving interest, He is not talking about financial bankers.

    Who is a banker that will pay you interest? It is the genuinely needy person who asks you for help. What you may lend him or even give him without expecting repayment is a deposit that will pay interest, but not monetary interest. If the person is genuinely in need and you help him, the interest will be, for you, increased trust in God your provider, and in the one whom you help, increased trust in a follower of Jesus.

    The Lord says, "Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations… and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you." (Matthew 28:19-20 JB)

    How can you teach them to observe all the commands Jesus gave you? By fulfilling those very commands yourself. And what is the command of Jesus?

    "I give you a new commandment: love one another; just as I have loved you, you also must love one another. By this love you have for one another, everyone will know that you are My disciples." (John 13:34-35 JB)

    What to do in the situation at hand?

    Holy apostle Paul writes, "As long as the readiness is there, a man is acceptable with whatever he can afford; never mind what is beyond his means. This does not mean that to give relief to others you ought to make things difficult for yourselves: it is a question of balancing what happens to be your surplus now against their present need…" (2 Corinthians 8:12-14 JB)

    This is what I do. If someone asks me for help, I help them if it is possible to do so, without endangering myself. You know what the plan is and God willing, we can depend on it to continue. With that in mind, use common sense in dealing with any request.

    The most basic common sense, though, is not to draw attention to what you have been given, but let God Himself reveal it to others without you mentioning it. Then you know that it is He who is directing any request for help.

  2. stumbled upon your blog.
    may God our Father increase your desire to be completely HIS.
    To put HIM above all.

    sharing a link that I hope will bless you. It is an audio sermon:-

    The Extent of Christ Love


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