He knows perfectly

After being hiatus for some moments to do my works, it's time to be here again to share my reflections and thoughts and yes, my life- with my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ and with everybody out there who also lives under His dominion. It's been a time which is good to be grateful for. Most of the works entrusted to me has been done well with the strength from the Lord and it's been really a training for me to grow, especially in the emotional field relating with my life with those whom the Lord send to be in my life.

Most of my responsibility comes from the scholarship program that's been offered for me to study in this university. It's very great program as long as I follow this, yet I can say that it's not very easy, full of load and sometimes can be exhausting: very crowded schedules, requirements, mandatory, etc. But realizing that nothing can come to my life without the Lord allows it, I am always reminded to praise and to glorify Him who has given so much grace in everything He entrust His servant to be and to do.

I've been back to my campus and now it's time to back to my university seat :D. Honestly, it's really a field for me to be grown and to be formed by the faithful hands of the Lord. Just like a little plant in the field, exposed to the heat of the sun, the droplets and streams of water, etc; so am I shaped and faced with some challenges and opportunities. It is always in my mind to pray, "Lord, may Your goodness alone be real in every single moment of Thy servant live... Might Thou also transform me, and grant those around Thy servant peace. Sustain them with Thy love and mercy, especially when I am fallen and being the stumbling block. Lord have mercy!"

How easy it is for me to be tempted with easier life, more comfortable place and time; seeking for pleasure and entertainment in my naive mind. That's why it's not rare for me to be attacked with uneasy feeling and being down severely. It's only because of God's goodness which is beyond measure and understanding that I am survived and raised up again. This is what I have been learning so far, that it's unwise to keep demanding for external change, i.e. to be in another place, time, with other people, being in any other circumstances but forget to pray, "Change my heart, O God... Grant Thy servant peace!"

The Lord is so faithful and merciful. He is in control of everything runs under His Love, however strong the wrong, the mishaps as we feel it is. He's doing what is good, beautiful and perfect among us and with us. In trusting the Lord and in asking the Lord, "Thy will be done", it's simply more than words--, it's about living and being in Christ Himself and in His amazing love day by day....


  1. Welcome back! Good to hear from you again:)


  2. Thanks brother Pandelis!! Great to hear from you too... Have a blessed day there in Australia! :D

  3. I was very surprised and happy to receive your words here at your blog this morning. What a welcome sight and sound! And your words are true. The external world cannot always be changed, but the internal world, our hearts, can be, and must be, changed. That is how, through us, Christ changes the whole world.

    And for us this night and this day, Lord have mercy.


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