This is the most thing that I remember from my mother, especially when she was very ill of her sickness. There is not other time in my past days that was more frightening and breaking my heart than to see my suffering mom laid on the bed and I was like couldn't do anything. Just saw her all the night from the edge of my bed which could be really tiresome, agonizing. I was really wish the morning quickly come and I could make a soup for her so that she could have the power to face another day, I thought in my simple mind.
My mom was very quiet to endure her sickness, even when she often being unconscious. I was just too young to understand what happened to her and I just prayed for her for strength and comfort, making soup and took care for her in my weaknesses. But this was the sweetest moment I experienced with her those time; she asked me to sing her favorite song "Ingat akan Nama Yesus" (Take the Name of Jesus with you) to comfort her. I would sing and she would become peaceful, then took her rest. O, my suffering mom, how Lord really loves you!
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and of woe,
It will joy and comfort give you;
Take it then, wherever you go
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heaven.
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of heaven.
Mom, too many days I found you silently bearing your pain, hunger and thirst in love, joy and hope! Thank you for taking care of me too for so long time and teaching me very faithfully. Yes, Mom I will take the most precious Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, wherever I go. It's not me, yet who is able to do so... Only in the Lord's mercy, only by His grace and mercy toward His unworthy servant such as me then strength I find, just as He faithfully kept you until your tent on earth was uprooted. I wished you're here with me now seeing and rejoicing for what Our Great Lord is doing! He is good and His love endures forever! Ameyn!
Happy birthday, Mom! Memory eternal!