It is very good to see how our beloved Saints were joyful even in the most uncomfortable times of their lives. The martyrs, holy fathers and mothers all are joyful in the Lord and praising God without ceasing, with the expression which St. John Chrysostom used to conclude his earthly life: Glory to God for all things."
Your way, O Lord is too amazing, Who can measure Your deepest wisdom? Let Your will be done, because You know the best for us! You are full of Love and compassion toward us. In Your divine Love You call us, "Take up your cross and follow me!" Lord, how unworthy I am yet Your voice is gladsome and my heart leaps in joy to follow my Master. Glory to You!
Lord, one of Your beloved servants says, "Orthodox spirituality is knowledge acquired through suffering, rather than through learning". Thus let us welcome all that You send us with joy and thanksgiving because Your Holy Will governs all. Cleanse and purify us in Your goodness O Lord, with them and by those means You defeat our passions. Only, give us wisdom, faith and love in our hearts O Lord, that we might not desperate. Rather, always looking to You and hoping for Your mercy in our weaknesses that You might enrich us—our weakness with Your strength, our poverty with Your abundance and that we might embrace all in love.
How Merciful are You O Lord! "Great joy in heaven," You said, "when a sinner repent." You appreciate even the least of our tears, sorrows and faith in Your Holy Name... You are so full of compassion and mercy that You were touched by the faith of Syro-Phoenician woman, the weepings of those around Lazarus burial, the cry of the thief, the shouts of the blind men and You wept for those whom You love so greatly. You even willing to die for us when we are sinners! Great are you, Lord. Glory to You!
Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on us!
"You appreciate even the least of our tears, sorrows and faith in Your Holy Name... You are so full of compassion and mercy that You were touched by the faith of Syro-Phoenician woman, the weepings of those around Lazarus burial, the cry of the thief, the shouts of the blind men and You wept for those whom You love so greatly. You even willing to die for us when we are sinners!"
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