"Whoever keeps My word will never taste death" (St. John 8:52).
But, what does it mean, brethren, to keep the word of Christ within ourselves? That means; First: to keep the word of Christ in our mind, thinking about it; Second: to keep the word of Christ in our heart, loving it; Third: to keep the word of Christ in our will, fulfilling it in deeds; Fourth: to keep the word of Christ on our tongue, openly confessing it when it is necessary to do so. Thus, to keep the word of Christ means to fill ourselves with it and to fulfill it. Whoever would keep the word of Christ in this manner, truly, he will never taste of death.
O our Lord, Mighty Lord, mightier than death, give us strength and understanding to keep Your holy word to the end; that we do not taste of death and that death does not taste of us; that decay does not touch our soul. O Lord All-merciful be merciful to us.
-- Quoted from: http://www.westsrbdio.org/prolog/my.html?month=February&day=9&Go.x=8&Go.y=12
St. Nikolai Velimirovich, pray to the Lord for us!
It seems I always need to learn whatever Saint Nikolai would teach.