Today, another beautiful day which God allows me to live was an exciting one. We had little farewell party for our beloved care group leader (campus staff) at one of our lecturer's house. It's just nice celebration, with laughter, spatial contacts, interactions, musics and songs! There were lots of fun for sure. While in the evening we got the Jazz festival (Java Jazz) road show in the front of our campus and enjoyed the show very much. Everything seems pleasant for the young souls like ours.
Having this nice memory in mind, I start reminded about another side of today's youth. A youth generation who are full of energy, but who also have to deal with so many challenges due to the vast technology development. The youth of i-Pod, BlackBerry, Games & Global Social Networking era. The world keep pushing all tempting 'pleasures' and 'relieve' for these beloved friends which in careless manner can be manipulated by these means to forget or to put off the difficulties and 'miserable part' of the world and to pursue the exceeding entertainments as if they were provided for this very purpose. We live in an age when the pornography and sexualized culture are very accessible; yes, even here in my traditional and third world country, Indonesia, thus no wonder we have not a low number of drug abuse, free sex statistics. Not only that, some are involved in extremist religious movements and even terrorism.
O, youths, full of energies, dreams and seeking of identity. Just like flowers blooming in the autumn, so beautiful and gladsome. But, we also live in a corrupted and slippery world, thus let us not rely and give up our mind solely to this temporary matters. This world is not perfect, God is perfect! Many of us live with holes and wounds from the imperfectness of the past. Some think they may find true joy in gaining acceptance, popularity and achievements and praise from others. Some think that joy comes from 'freedom' of doing whatever they want and from fulfilling all 'limitless' desires. Some acts out of fear, bitterness of the past. Some acts under the enslavement of compulsive and addictive desires. Lord, have mercy! May Thou grantest Thy mercy for those who live in such difficult circumstances. For You always compassionate and in Thy Love, grant them time of repentance. Let Thy mercy O Lord, guide them and embrace them and bring them to Thy Benevolence.
One of beautiful Psalm's verses says, "How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word" (Psalm 119:9). And of course it is not about being 'nice guy', or 'church guy', or 'idealist ones' in certain sense of youth's today language. Rather, It is to live as who we really are in Christ in Whom image we are made. It is to live in His Grace and be content in Him to Whom we put all of our esteems and true Hope and Joy. It is to live in freedom and love: thus it is to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:1), to joyfully trust ourselves to the guidance of Holy Church through whom Christ ministers us to cleanse us and restore our truest beauty according His own image! Thus, by His grace we are no more slaves of sin; and not living our lives based on fear and bitterness nor on the bestial passions and desires, under the deceitful one.
How beau

"For You alone are my hope, Lord,
Yahweh, I have trusted you since my youth..." (Psalm 71:5 JB).
" Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ". (I Tes. 5:23 NKJV ) Amen!
Glory to You O God!
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner!
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