I give thanks to the Lord this time for every precious moments He has granted me during my short life here on earth. One of them is to see how love works. Love is freely given and freely received, no string attached. What does it mean? It means that we give out of gladness and of joy and not because of fear or of obligation. This reminds me to what St. Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, "[So let] each one [give] as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7)
"Cheerful giver" and thus, not manipulative one. And the sign is very easy to detect, if we find peace and joy in giving even out of the little that we have, then it is. Giving alms, prayers, love and even ourselves to others should be done in the boundary i.e. the dignity or the stewardship which has been given by God, so it comes out from the deepest part of our heart, and independent from external forces. It is not about pleasing someone or to be perceived as good; nor it is a legal obligation before The Most Loving One. It proceeds out of a loving heart: inside out, because he has been loved by God.
Reflecting on this and bringing this down to daily live, it expands to almost each aspect of our life, including how we communicate and interact to each other. How we deal with choices to do and not to do to others and to ourselves; what generates and moves behind it (read: motivation). Then what is a sincere and free gift? There are some clues.
It doesn't manipulate, means that we don't give and do something to others because we want to look good before man. Or in another word, we don't act the charity because we want to get some credit point or good perception from others (or even from God). A simple example for this is to say 'yes' to do something for others, but actually we say 'no' in our heart, so we do that grudgingly. If we do so, it's not sacrifice but rather dishonesty and manipulation. The implication of manipulation is 'I give to look good' or 'I do this because if not I'd feel bad of my self and be bad before others'. There is string attached.
Next, it doesn't control, means it is not because we want others to keep loving us based on what we do; or to make others, even God to do something for our sake based on 'what we give'. It sounds like 'I give to receive' and its implication is "I do this because if not nobody would love me" or "I do this to keep others (and even God) grant me gratification as I want". There is string attached.
To give out of cheerful heart means we do it freely (i.e. not because of external forces and not for external rewards), honestly (let our yes be yes, and let our no be no, because we're finite being). And in the right boundary: not being too nice nor too harsh. To love and to give is not to take other's responsibility (we do what he should or can do for them) by being too kind, rather to helps him lift the burden which he can't lift alone. If we do something for others what is his part (that is his responsibility), it will even encourage his irresponsiblity and of being dependent and to paralyze them; that is to plunder his stewardship. A sincere gift helps, rather than invades other's boundary of stewardship toward God.
Lord, how faithful You are! I am glad and delightful for your Love which You have shown me through Your beloved servants who give and love out of cheerful hearts. Grant me a heart also to give in joyful soul and mind. Glory to You, O God! Glory to You!
Very good and careful analysis, Yudhie, of the concept of giving to others.
ReplyDeleteThanks brother Romanos! Wish you many many blessing this beautiful Great Lent!